Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hot burning sensation

Watch out. Long long LONG post today. Kinda. -.-”

You know that “hot burning sensation” your teacher talked about during a particular pep-talk?

Well… News Flash! She wasn’t talking about first penetration.

Instead what she really meant was how your eyeballs would feel after sitting through two weeks watching nothing but the best mind-boggling animes Japans has to offer.

After 5cm per second, I continued with Mouryo no Hako. Some thinks its a murder mystery, some might say it’s supernatural, even paranormal.

Bah… to me; It’s good old mind-rape.

Though I enjoyed the anime, I should warn you guys that there is a high chance that you’ll be skipping through the anime as their truckloads worth of facts will inevitably bore most viewers.

Hate how the mystery was solved just because the detective knew the prime suspect. A solution which is slightly too much of a coincidence for my taste. I would prefer it if it was solved because of some revelations made or some clues discovered. Instead of the reason that just because they were acquainted, hence he knows the mystery behind it. Something that involves real detective work… you know.

4-Stars then. Mind rape is mind rape :p If not for the scene where a head was shot up sky high and blew into fireworks. Lol.

Anyway, completed Mouryo no Hako and that’s when I thought I’d try a epic anime marathon. Epic in the sense that I’d watch all the great animes everyone has talked about. Instead of spacing and slotting a mediocre anime in between like I’ve always tried to do. Thinking back and still remembering how good Sasameki Koto and 5cmpersec were. Mouryo no Hako definitely was a slight hiccup. But let’s move on to more great animes.




So what did I watch? Spirited Away… FINALLY!

Been planning to watch this since god knows when. And I think I understand why it has always been a must-watch classic. The imagination found in this movie is god-like. I’ve watched my fair share of animes (not to boast or anything) through the recent years and even so, I can still feel Spirited Away beaming** with originality. And I’m just a sucker for endings like the one in Spirited Away.

Although I really want to give it a go, I won’t dwell into the anime any further. Cause frankly, there are way more epic posts out there on this anime. It’s a fact. :)

Though I’d like to add that I felt the ending didn’t do the whole anime justice. The build-up was epic. Too epic to be ended so sudden with my face full of question marks. Like how No-Face was just “dumped” at the elder twin sister’s home without knowing why it followed XXX in the first place. “Just because”? I don’t buy it. Still a 5-er in my books though.




Completed Spirited Away, what’s next? Looked through my store and Woot! Has to be this. Kara no Kyoukai! Been saving this baby since forever! And reading Klux’s post about just makes me more eager to start this. Still remember watching chapter 1 ages ago. Was blown away then. Still blown away now. Seriously, the wait was well worth it.

You know what makes Kara no Kyoukai epic?

The music; the song, the background music.

Never have I been so amazed by the bgm of an anime.

When was the last time I even mentioned bgm with regards to an anime? I don’t even remember… Pfft.

The sudden burst of tempo as things pick up pace. The mystical piece when characters face revelations just makes it more intriguing.


Sheer perfection, if I may.

Kick ass graphics, Yes.

Mind blowing story, sure.

Periodic mindfark, don’t even mention it.

However, it will all start to lose effect after watching 3 episodes in a row. The dark theme starts to feel boring as curiosity builds up but are barely satisfied with brief recaps of the past which leaves viewers at the mercy of their own imagination to fill up the missing gaps. That being said, as long as you don’t marathon the series, you’ll do alright. Unfortunately, that’s not how I watch (or review) animes. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t get a 5 out of me.




*Am watching Fate/Stay night the Reproduction at time of drafting this post. Gawd Damn, I forgot how hot Tohsaka Rin and Saber was!! But Shiki of Kara no Kyoukai is just >*. Lol.


Hmm… Is there such a word as breaming? Initially I went “breaming with originality”. Inputs appreciated… :)

***Guess what I’m moving on to next?!. Summer Wars then Tokyo Godfather… Can’t wait! :p


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